Well, it’s been a busy time over the last few months and we have been putting many things in place. Some of you may have noticed our new logo and the new header on our website. We have also added this to our YouTube Channel, Twitter and of course Facebook. In fact it would be great if you could go to facebook and like our page – this will be great way for you to keep up to date with all the cutting edge info we come across on a daily basis.
Check us out at Facebook
One thing we haven’t been able to do is get a name for our little man in the logo. That’s right, the little man doing a cartwheel is having the time of his life, but he feels there is something missing without a name
So Here’s the Deal.Head to our facebook page, Like Us and then offer your suggestion for a name for the little fella!!
If you provide the best suggestion you will win a prize for your efforts. The prize will be tailored to the individual winner depending on whether you are already involved in our coaching programs or not. This way we can be sure your prize will be of benefit and value to you. So, what are you waiting for – Like us now at Facebook.

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